教育部台灣獎學金 MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program

教育部(以下簡稱“教育部”) 為 鼓勵優秀 留學生(大陸地區、香港、及 澳門)赴台攻讀學位,熟悉台灣學術環境,促進 台灣與國際 社會的交流、了解與友誼。 教育部台灣獎學金計劃為每位 來台攻讀 學士、碩士或博士學位的優秀國際學生獎學金獲得者提供以下獎學金:

The Ministry of Education (abbreviated below to “MOE”) has formulated the Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions (also known as the “Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines”) to encourage outstanding international students (with the exception of students from the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau) to undertake degree studies in Taiwan to familiarize themselves with the academic environment in Taiwan and promote communication, understanding, and friendship between Taiwan and the international community.

The MOE Taiwan Scholarship Program provides the following for each outstanding international student scholarship recipient who comes to Taiwan to undertake a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or doctorate:

⭐學費和雜費(即課程學分費和 雜項基本學習相關費用)

Tuition and miscellaneous expenses (i.e. the course-credit fees, and miscellaneous basic study-related fees)

→教育部將每學期為每位受助人核定的學雜費支付最高新台幣 40,000 元。

The MOE will pay up to NTD 40,000 each semester for each recipient’s approved tuition and miscellaneous expenses.

⭐生活津貼 Living allowance

→大學:每月津貼 oNTD15,000,最長 4 年

University: Monthly stipend oNTD15,000, up to 4 years


Master: Monthly stipend oNTD20,000, up to 2 years


PHD: Monthly stipend oNTD20,000, up to 4 years


詳情請見附件。 (Attachments)